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NCCU ATL Alumni Chapter Meeting

In person Chapter meeting today was amazing! Great meeting! Maggiano's Buckhead was a good host, great location, and provided good service.

Our very own Collier St. Claire NCCU ATL Scholarship increased $500 from $1000 starting next fiscal year and going forward.

May is mental health month, one day retreat planning in the works. Details and location forthcoming! If you are a therapist or know good local therapists and/or wellness professionals, please email details to

Please remember to register Early for the HBCU Run/Walk 2024. Current price is $30. Price escalates monthly.

Nominations are open for all elected positions, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian. Please email if you are interested or have a nominee(s). We are looking to take the Chapter higher. Could it be you or your nominee who can take us there?

In truth and service,

Kevin Powell


Greater Atlanta NCCU Alumni Association

Eagle Pride, Amplified!


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